Sunday, June 29, 2008

23 Things in Summary

I'm actually surprised to say that I did actually learn several things on this assignment. I learned about RSS and podcasts. I'm somewhat disappointed that we didn't cover some things that I expected the survey to cover. However, I think that we are all capable and now presumably encouraged to explore some of these things on our own and I myself have perused the 43 things website to see what our program was based off of. I would have like to have seen more things that would have enabled me to perform better in our daily work; we did have an exploration of overdrive and webfeat but as far as PBCLS goes that was about it. I mean most of us use YouTube and Flickr and such now or before but we don't use them at work and aren't supposed to. I would also like to see feedback on what happened with this project. I think a little more hands on could have helped many people who fell behind due to confusion. I know this is a self guided exercise but I know that many people needed a little extra guidance for directions in black in white are good but a lot of the time it doesn't compare to the aid of a coworker. Also.... the bloglines tutorial sucks. :) I think so many people got confused by it that I started telling people not to read it. At any rate I had fun and would be willing to do something similar again, I just don't know how many of my coworkers would be willing to do so.

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