Sunday, June 15, 2008

Views on Library 2.0

I really agree that the library must change as the web itself changes. As new forms of technology develop and are incorporated into the lives of library patrons, they must too be incorporated into the library. Many library staff are resistant to learning these new technologies and trying to adapt to them. I think this is a poor outlook when you think about the fact that a library is a place where learning should be taking place. Some libraries and some librarians are incorporating web 2.0 into their daily work but others still refuse. As these older librarians retire however, I see the library evolving. Those younger librarians who do not fear the internet and all it has to offer can only bring more web 2.0 features into play. I think in order to stay current the libraries must adapt to these things. Otherwise the library may become out dated. We are currently moving away from in-house collections to those on the web. A change like this means the whole concept of the library itself will change. Imagine a library with only fiction books on the shelves. Or even *gasp* a place that only has computers and book reader devices. Where you download the title you want instead of borrowing the hard copy. This is many years down the line I grant you but it may be the future of the library itself.

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